Posted by: zyxo | April 6, 2008

Can/do/did dragons exist ?

A lot has been written about dragons, mostly in fairy tales. But can there be smoke without fire ?

There are two problems with dragons : First : is fire-spitting possible ? Can a land animal produce flames without burning itself ? There is one scientific article that investigates this problem. Although hard scientific stuff, the content is worth the effort of reading it till the end.

Second : If a male dragon is doing his ‘thing’ with his female : how can he prevent himself from incinerating her while he is in a heat ?

Enjoyed this post ? Then you might be interested by the following :
– Did dragons Exist ?
– The human cyborg
– Web 5.0: The telepathic web

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  1. so tru lol 🙂

  2. lol maybe it can face upwards and breathe fire into the air 😀
    Makes sense hehe.

    • Yes, it could face upwards, but for that it should do some thinking while doing its thing. And you know, at such a moment males don’t do a lot of thinking … 🙂

  3. i agree! god gave guys two heads, but only enough blood to power one at a time.

  4. I beleve that dragons natural made a waxy substance, like ducks, that when burned release carbon, or another gas that would suffocate the fire.

  5. hahahaha sooooo tru! and that pic made me LOL! but i don’t think it was possible for dragons to exist…. but there kewl!!!

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